Training Courses and Centres
The Centre had conducting different job oriented Training courses in the field of Computers, Animation & Multimedia, Office Automation, Printing and Reprographics for the educated unemployed youths in the Training Centres at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode.Apart from that the Centre had conducting different courses in the field of Multimedia on Franchisee basis all over Kerala in the name of C-apt Multimedia Academy.
The Training Course are approved by Government of Kerala as per the following Govt Orders
Course Notifications:-
(Notification No. C-apt/180/2024/TRG dated.6/1/2025 Admission going on for Government Recognised Courses Certificat in Computer and DTP Operation Duration: 6 months Qualification: SSLC Pass or above
No Fee SC/ST/OEC student as per the rules through eGrants Scheme with Stipend. Fee concession for BC/SEBC/other forward community studends based on annual income as per the rules. Application form can be collected from the concern Training Centres during the office hours by remitting an amount of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) by cash or sending Rs.130/-(Rupees one hundred and thirty only) as Money order addressed ot the Managing Director,C-apt, Training Division, West Fort, Thiruvananthapuram. The application form also can be downloaded from here (below) and submitted the filled in applicatiion form with all relevent documents along with the application fee Rs,100.- as DD in favour of Manaing Director, Capt, Thiruvananthapuram. For download: : Application Form Course Prospectus For more details : contact Training Division, Thiruvananthapurm : 0471-2474720 0471-2467728 Sub Centre Ernakulam: 0484-2605322 Sub Centre Kozhikode : 0495-2723666 |
Seats Vacant available for the Training courses in Capt, Trainng Centre at Thiruvananthapuram * Diploma in Computer Hardware and Networking * Diploma in Multimedia * Diploma in Computer Applications No Fee SC/ST/OEC student as per the rules through eGrants Scheme with Stipend. Fee concession for BC/SEBC/other forward community studends based on annual income as per the rules. For more details contact: Training Officer, Capt, Punnapuram, Thiruvanthapuram @ 0471 2474720 |
Training Centres
Thiruvananthapuram | Ernakulam | Kozhikode |
Training Division | Sub Centre Ernakulam | Training Wing Kozhikode |
Punnapuram | Govt LP School Campus | Bairayikkulam, Govt L P School Building |
West Fort | Thottakkattukara P.O., Aluva | Ram Mohan Road, Near Malabar Gold |
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 024 | Ernakulam-682 108 | Kozhikode - 673 004 |
(0471-2474720 | (0484-2605322 | (0495-2723666 |
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Offficer-in-charge: Smt. Thara R P | Officer-in-charge: Sri. Shibu Ouseph | Officer-in-charge: Sri. Kumaran A P |
Training Courses (Download propectus and details)
Sl.No | Name of the Courses | Duration | Qualification |
Courses conducted jointly by C-apt & Directorate of Technical Education for KGTE exams | |||
1 | Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA) | 1½ Yrs (18 months) Part Time | Degree |
2 | Certificate in Offset Printing Technology | 1 Year - Part Time | Pre-Degree / +2 / Diploma |
3 | KGTE Pre-Press Operations | 1 Year – Full Time | SSLC |
4 | KGTE Press Work | 1 Year – Full Time | SSLC |
5 | KGTE Post Press Operation & Finishing | 1 Year – Full Time | SSLC |
6 | Certificate in Computer & DTP Operation | 6 months - Part Time | SSLC |
7 | Certificate in Office Automation & Salesmanship | 6 months - Part Time | SSLC |
Part Time Courses conducted by C-apt - Govt Approved Training Courses | |||
8 | Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) | 1 Year - (12 Months) | Pre-Degree/+2 |
9 | Diploma in Software Technology (2 Semester) | 1 Year - (12 Months) | Pre-Degree/+2 |
10 | Diploma in Multimedia | 1 Year - (12 Months) | SSLC |
11 | Diploma in Computer Hardward & Networking | 1 Year - (12 Months) | SSLC |
12 | Diploma in Destop Publishing | 6 Months | SSLC |
13 | Diploma in Computerized Financial Manangement (DCFM) | 6 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
14 | Diploma in Professional Graphic Designing | 6 Months | SSLC |
15 | Diploma in Interactive Multimedia & Web Technology | 6 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
16 | Diploma in Digital Video Production | 6 Months | SSLC |
17 | Web Designing (Client/Server Programming) | 6 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
18 | VB & Oracle DBA | 6 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
19 | Non Linear Video Editing | 6 Months | SSLC |
20 | 3D Animation | 6 Months | SSLC |
21 | 2D Animation | 6 Months | SSLC |
22 | DTP & Graphic Desigining | 6 Months | SSLC |
23 | Advanced Certificate in Offset Printing | 6 Months | SSLC |
24 | Advanced Multimedia | 4 Months | SSLC |
25 | Computer Hardware & Networking | 4 Months | SSLC |
26 | Dot Net Technology | 3 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 & Programming Skills |
27 | MS Office & Internet | 3 Months | SSLC |
28 | Data Entry & Console Operation | 3 Months | SSLC |
29 | Traiing in Modern Reprographic Equipments | 3 Months | SSLC |
30 | Certifcate in Mobile Phone Servicing | 3 Months | SSLC |
31 | Digital Photography & Still Photography | 3 Months | SSLC |
32 | Digital Photography & Videography | 3 Months | SSLC |
33 | Digial Videography & Non-Linear Video Editing | 3 Months | SSLC |
34 | Advanced Training in DTP | 3 Months | SSLC |
35 | Programming in C/C++ | 2 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
36 | Visual Basic | 2 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
37 | Visual C++ | 2 Months | Degree & Programming Skills |
38 | Game Programming | 2 Months | Pre-Degree/+2 |
39 | Non Linear Video Editing | 2 Months | SSLC |
40 | Digital Photography | 2 Months | SSLC |
41 | Computerised Financial Accounting | 45 Days | Pre-Degree/+2 Commerce |
42 | Training in Videography | 45 Days | SSLC |
43 | Photoshop | 1 Month | SSLC |
****Click the course name to get the Syllabus
Features of Traning courses
All courses are fully practical Oriented
Apprenticeship Training for the selected qualified students with stipend
Fee exemption for the Backward Class Community and BPL Students through eGrant